Animation is a medium of storytelling that is seen as lesser in the film industry. The art form is stereotyped as a medium for kids, not suitable for...
If you've been looking for a way towards a high octane diet, you'll find fibre to be exactly what you need. Even though research has shown fibre to b...
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If you are thinking to create a blog, whether for business or for pleasure, you need to know some tips that could help you grow and get more blog traf...
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Studio Ghibli is a household name in animation, with films such as Spirited Away (2003) making it a big hit in America. Hayao Miyazaki (the studio’s c...
Whenever someone asks me about interior design, I freeze. The last time I decorated was when I was sixteen. I’m not good at changing things, and once...
Everyone has had a death in their family; anyone you’ve spoken to can talk about losing family or close friends. The answers might be different, but w...
Originally, this week Wer8 was meant to be of Lorde’s Solar Power; however, on the 2nd September 2021, ABBA decided to release two songs from their up...
Since the early ’50s, we’ve all been in love with the headscarf. Wanting to be the girl in the vintage car eloping with a loved one. Today I’ve compil...
Whenever we watch a horror film, we’ve always wanted to work out the number of kills and decide which one was the gruesomest and the absolute worst. F...
Twitter, it’s one of the most annoying social media platforms (almost beating out 2013 Tumblr) and sometimes the best. At the beginning of the pandemi...
The 80/20 rule known as the ‘Pareto Principle’ was created by Vilfredo Pareto it states that 80% of all outcomes are caused by 20% of the work put in...