Top Ten Art YouTubers You Need to Watch In 2021!

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Top Ten Art YouTubers You Need to Watch In 2021!

There are many sides to YouTube. There's the beauty community, the gamers and even the side we find ourselves on at 3 am called the weird side. Saying that there is an unknown one, called the Art community or art Youtube. I've touched on it before with my blog on Art Professor Create and Critique. However, today I'm going to be talking about the channels not ran by college professionals. Instead, I'm going to provide you with 10 Art YouTubers you should check out ASAP!

1. Minnie Small

Minnie Small is a UK artist that has been creating art content for YouTube since 2015. Her content mainly grapples with the medium known as Gouache. Her videos have a high-quality look to them, and the cinematography and editing verges on cinematic. On top of videos on Gouache, she also advises on selling artwork and explores new mediums. The videos are aesthetically pleasing with dynamic shots and angles and paintings that are always gorgeous.

2. Doodle Date

Doodle Date was created by a couple named Steph and Adam, and they have been creating art content on youtube since 2015. The basis of the channel is that they go to a location and create artwork. Whilst they don't go out anymore, seeing the different sites and artwork is a treat. On top of that, the pair's dynamic is always a laugh. The content follows a vlog style, which was new and refreshing compared to the various speed paints and studio tours. Plus, they always try something new, adding to the dynamic content made every Sunday!

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3. Drawing Wiff Waffles

Rin, AKA Drawing Wiff Waffles, has also been creating art for youtube since 2015. Their content has primarily been about digital art, which was more niche and looked down upon at the channel's beginning. However, those negative connotations are starting to subside. Rin also unboxes art subscription packages such as ZenPop and Scrawlrbox, and seeing what she creates with the supplies is always intriguing. Subscribers stay for funny one-liners and seeing how the creator pushes her artwork.

4. Ethan Becker

Ethan Becker has been creating art based content since 2018. Because they previously worked in the animation industry, many people subscribe for professional advice and ways to improve their drawing skills on top of ways to get ahead in the animation industry. Ethan is sarcastic and full of one-liners, and his most popular series is 'fixing insert popular artist's art.'

5. The Average Artist

The Average Artist has been creating content since 2017. She rose to fame with her 'painting book cover' series. Many people are subscribed because the way she uses her supples like the HIMYA Gouache is satisfying plus the chaotic painting of a book cover works for these weird times! Subscribers also enjoy looking through the artists' sketchbook as it inspires them. The simple setup is therapeutic and makes the content easy to see on the site, and doesn't overload you visually!

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6. Temi Danso Art

Temi has been uploading art content to YouTube for ten years. However, shot up in popularity two years ago. Temi is popular because she is always honest, and you can trust her opinion when she critiques your art. Her pencil drawings are also some of the best on the internet, and it's constantly engaging watching her try new techniques, materials or when she teaches her audience the best methods for realistic coloured pencil drawings.

7. Xrainey

Xrainey's art content mainly consists of speed paints and sketchbook tours. Her mediums are mostly Watercolour, Oil and Gouache colour. People enjoy her content because seeing the creative process is enjoyable. Her hyper-realistic style, which is primarily cool-toned, is something new against the happy and bubbly content you usually see on art youtube.

8. Milkcloud

Milkcloud is an account ran by twins in Germany. The content is mostly art with paint/sketch with me's, sketchbook tours, and days in life. They are a popular channel because of the camera shots and layout, which is aesthetically satisfying. The lo-fi K-pop for background music makes it easy to put in the background and calming to watch. Making the art relaxing for everyone!

9. Emily Artful

Emily Artful has been making art (and music) content on youtube since 2016. She primarily uses watercolour, and her style is mostly, skulls jewels and gothic types of objects. Emily is well known for her sketchbook storytimes which consist of Emily painting or drawing in her sketchbook and telling us a story. She is a little more risque than other Art Youtubers, and considering most of them are positive and a bit more bubbly, it's nice to have some gothic darkness in the mix with Emily's more dry wit.

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10. Art ala Carte

Art Ala Carte has been on Youtube for nine years. Their content mainly consists of tutorials. They are simple and easy to follow. On top of that, it doesn't take Valerie an age to get into the meat of the video. On top of that, she doesn't just stick to drawing tutorials. There are also tutorials for mediums like watercolour. Recently she made a 'choose your own adventure' video series that relied on high engagement with viewers. Valerie's diverse range of content and engagement is why many people are still subscribing to the channel. Plus, the kitten updates are always great.

I hope this list has given you some new Art Youtubers to enjoy or helped you find another side of Youtube you didn’t know existed!

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