Last week I gave you a list of ten people forty and over to help motivate you. And make you realise that success can take years or multiple tries to get right, though the motivation needs to come in the opposite direction. For some, you want to figure it out whilst you're young. Or need some encouragement that it can happen when you are in your twenties.
So, for those people that have it figured out already. Here is a list of people that are 20+ that have achieved something unique or are considered successful.

1) Rupi Kaur
If you are a big fan of insta poetry, then you know this name. Rupi Kaur self-published the poetry anthology Milk and Honey in 2015, which became a commercial success. The success of the anthology propelled the twenty-three-year-old to literary and social media acclaim. Since then, she has published two more collections which are equally as successful as her first. Although her poetry and the genre it belongs to isn't without controversy. It shows it is possible to reach success in your twenties even if you have to go about it alternately.
2) Dylan Lemay
TikTok has blown up as the top social media platform for Gen Z. One of the leading communities is the ice cream Tik Tok community. One of the top dogs of that genre of content is Dylan Lemay. Who worked at Coldstone Creamery for ten years when first uploading. However, he recently quit after chop, chop and fold-folding his way to success! And will be opening his ice cream store at the age of 25. Showing success in your twenties is possible, and that branding on your social media is essential!
3) Melanie Martinez
Anyone who was listening to pop-punk or Emo music in 2014 would know Melanie Martinez to be the singer that released Dollhouse. The song since its release has never left the iTunes top 200, which shows how popular the song is. At the time of release, Melanie Martinez was nineteen. Her music career is still going strong as last year she released a new album called 'After School'.

4) John Boyega
Everybody knows the name that is number four on this list. John Boyega is known as Finn in the new Star Wars trilogy, which at the age of 25 made him a household name overnight. However, another big film he was in that everyone seems to forget is Attack the Block. Whilst it isn't a big international seller like Star Wars, it shows that John Boyega has been on our screen for longer than we remember and that sometimes it takes time for success to happen how we would like it- even when we make it in our twenties!
5) Amanda Gorman
If the name looks familiar, you probably recognise the poet and activist from President Biden's inauguration, where she recited one of her poems. The twenty-three-year-old has recently published an anthology called 'The hill we climb.'
6) Matthew Mullenweg
In 2005 Matthew Mullenweg founded WordPress. He was eighteen at the time and was responsible for giving us a content management system that enabled anyone and everyone to get blogging success!
7) Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence was twenty when she was cast as Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games. Which, as we know, is one of the bestselling YA Dystopian franchises in the 21st century both film-wise and in terms of book sales. Yes, this might've been a case of luck in terms of acting roles. However, you could look at this in another way of your next opportunity to make it big early is just around the corner.
8) Michelle Phan
If anyone used Youtube in 2010 and watched beauty-based content, you will know who Michelle Phan is. Michelle Phan came to viral success in 2010 with her Lady Gaga inspired tutorials which made the (then 23) year old go viral. This success in the beauty genre enabled the guru to create her own business known as Ipsy. In 2018 the beauty guru started a start-up called Thematic, which specialises in licensing music for content creators, so they don't get hit by copyright for the music they use.

9) David Karp
Does anybody remember Tumblr? Are you now cringing as Superwholock is now unlocking memories you wish you never had? This is the man responsible for it. That's right, David Karp, at just twenty-one years old, founded the microblogging platform that gave us some of the worst parts of social media and some of the best—showing that you can be successful anytime or where.
10) Maisie Williams
Since the age of twelve, Maisie Williams has been in the limelight after being cast as Arya Stark in Game Of Thrones. Whilst the show may have died due to rubbish writing and a terrible finale, Williams' career is still going strong as the twenty-four-year-old will star in a Biopic called Pistol for FX.
Above were ten people that managed to get success when they were in their twenties or younger. I hope it motivates you to keep going and find whatever your version of success is in your twenties.
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